General ◊ How to create SelfReplace application? - Use the menu “File/Save As…” to save filter file as SelfReplace application. (Old application “SelfReplace Maker” is obsolete.) ◊ How to increase conversion speed? - Use the native application. If you have only the PowerReplace 68K, please create and use SelfReplace, because all SelfReplace applications are always Fat. - Optimize your filter file. (See Chapter 7: Technical Note) ◊ There is a special character in my text file, how to get its ASCII? - PowerReplace can help you. Convert your text file using the filter file “ShowASCII”. You will see its ASCII in the output file. ◊ My Mac has enough RAM, but why PowerReplace can not work and says "no enough memory to run"? - The big clipboard may cause memory problem. Try to empty the clipboard. ◊ I like ClarisWorks (or Word) and I use it to write my text. But usully this application saves my text as its document, who is not a text file (of type 'TEXT'). Can PowerReplace help me to find/replace? - No direct solution. Two indirect solutions: 1. Save your text as text file using the menu “File/Save As…” under the application ClarisWorks (or Word). 2. Select your text and use the “Convert Clipboard” feature. About filter file ◊ I would like to replace é by é for converting my text into HTML format. How to do it? - It's enough to add the following line in your filter-file: "é" "é" ◊ Now I would like to do exactly the opposite, it means replace é by é how about it ? - This time the following line: "é" "é" ◊ How to replace %22 by " (quotation marks)? - You must use the special character \" adding the following line: "%22" "\"" ◊ OK. But sometimes my text editor cut a word into two for separating two lines as %2-2 and %-22, how to correct it? - Add the following lines : "%2\n2" "\"" "%2\r2" "\"" "%\n22" "\"" "%\r22" "\"" ◊ How to remove all words beginning with def? - Use pattern. 'def[a-zA-Zàâäéèêëçùüôö]*' "" ◊ How to remove a line beginning with % (TeX comment)? - "%*\r" "\r" "%*\n" "\n" ◊ How to remove all mathmatical formulas in a TeX file? - "$$*$$" "" "$*$" "" ◊ I would like to replace ef by EF, except ef in def? - There is an astute method: "def" "my_save" "ef" "EF" "my_save" "def" ◊ How to replace \alpha by æ (in a TeX file for example)? - (Don’t forget that there is perhaps \alphabet in the text file). Use pattern and meta. #meta "/" '\alpha[^a-zA-Z]' "æ"